Dedicated to the Preservation of Honey Bees
HUDSON RIVER APIARY SOCIETY IS A NONPROFIT EDUCATIONAL APIARY management and consulting company based in the NYC metropolitan area offering specialized education consulting and SAFE apiary programs to schools, corporate and government environmental programs, veterans and disadvantaged communities.
We are an environmental action group focused on the education and preservation of honey bees through local community outreach globally to citizens of all ages, partnering with private, government and ecologically motivated individuals and groups to expand awareness of the critical importance to preserve and promote honey bee keeping to support the future of mankind.
Using our experience, knowledge, and resources, we assist the public and private sectors to sustain local apiary projects through a sustainable farm to table social business enterprise model
HRAS Letter of Introduction and Mission Statement [PDF]
If you are ready to educate your community on the critical need to maintain honey bee safely, please contact us and help by donating.

Hudson River Apiary Society is a Non-profit Educational Apiary management and consulting organisation based in the NYC metropolitan area offering specialized education consulting and safe apiary programs to schools, corporate, and government environmental programs, veterans, and disadvantaged communities.

About Us
Our Work

Hudson River Apiary Society offers free presentation, performing outreach in the community, advising schools, organizations and urban beekeepers/private citizens in setting up apiaries. We offer insight on how to monitor honey bees, extract honey, apitherapy, and develop related products within the local area.
We focus on teaching children about bees, their importance, and how to work with them with a mission to teach veterans to expand this concept.
Support Us

We are an environmental action group focused on the education and preservation of honey bees through local community outreach globally to citizens of all ages, partnering with private, government and ecologically motivated individuals and groups to expand awareness of the critical importance to preserve and promote honey bee keeping to support the future of mankind.